4th EUA Funding Forum
Frameworks that empower, universities that deliver
18 - 19 October 2018; Conference
Ramon Llull University, Barcelona
The 2018 EUA Funding Forum focused on discussion and exchange of experiences among university leaders and managers and policy-makers. Keep yourself updated about the latest trends in university funding and governance and enjoy a highly interactive event that will give you new insights and inspiration to take home.
In the fourth edition of this biennial event, universities, public authorities and partners came together to exchange on the latest funding trends, opportunities and challenges of university funding.
This year’s Forum both featured well-known popular formats and step up interaction among participants through a variety of new activities. Expert panels, in plenary, framed the topics to introduce the discussion. Master classes provided an up-to-date overview of most recent trends in higher education and research funding. In the Forum “expert rooms”, university leaders and managers and policy-makers learnt from peers. Participants engaged with each other in learning cafés and roundtables. The event, which philosophy can be summarised by “share and learn to grow and improve”, focused on empowering institutions in financial and economic environments characterised by uncertainty and risk. Policy-makers had the opportunity to explore reform mechanisms of interest. In a nutshell, the Forum enriched the perspectives of both institutional leaders and policy-makers engaged in funding reforms and more broadly in change management.
Thursday 18 October - 14.00-15.30 - Master Classes
Participants are invited to choose one Master Class to attend.
Master Class 3
Development of income-generating partnerships
What is the potential for income generation by new types of partnerships? The session will provide a framework for analysis and detail approaches adopted by universities that have gone the extra mile to develop income-generating partnerships that support their missions.
• Paul Fairburn, Director of Enterprise and Innovation, Coventry University, United Kingdom
• Christian Vranek, Cultural Management Expert, Culture Creates Values, Austria
Moderated by Enora Bennetot Pruvot, Deputy Director, Governance, Funding and Public Policy Development, EUA
More information abouth the 4th EUA Funding Forum: